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Obtaining a golden visa in dubai

The Dubai Golden Visa, launched by the UAE government in 2019, is an innovative initiative to attract talent, investors and high-level residents to the country. This program offers a pathway to long-term residency, and even citizenship, for people who meet specific criteria.
+ More than 10 years’ experience and support in the Emirates.

To obtain the Golden Visa, applicants must generally demonstrate a significant commitment to the United Arab Emirates, whether through investments, contributions to the economy, or professional expertise. Key eligibility criteria often include :

  1. Real estate investment:
    Investors who purchase real estate of a specified value in Dubai may be eligible for the Golden Visa. This can include the purchase of residential or commercial properties.
  2. Financial investment: Individuals who invest a specified amount in funds, companies or other financial instruments in Dubai may also be eligible.

  3. Entrepreneurship:
    Entrepreneurs who set up businesses in Dubai, contributing to the local economy and creating jobs, can be considered for the Golden Visa.

  4. Professional expertise:
    Highly qualified professionals in specific fields, such as technology, finance, healthcare or education, may also be eligible for the Golden Visa if they demonstrate a significant impact in their field.
Golden visa

Once applicants meet the required criteria, they can submit an application for the Golden Visa to the relevant authorities in Dubai. Applications are assessed on an individual basis, and the process may vary according to each particular case. 

However, once granted, the Golden Visa offers long-term residency in the UAE, with benefits such as the ability to live, work and study in Dubai without the need for a local sponsor.

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