There are several advantages to moving to Dubai and setting up a company here:
A safe, business-friendly environment
First and foremost, the attractiveness of the United Arab Emirates is characterized by a number of factors that explain why foreign companies set up in Dubai in particular. This prominent position in global business makes the Emirates one of the top-ranked countries for foreign direct investment. These facilities, which are constantly being extended in line with legislative reforms, make it easier for foreign investors to settle in and provide them with greater security. The 2020 reform, which abolished the 51% shareholding requirement in favor of an Emirati citizen, finalized the liberalization of economic activities in the Emirates. A foreigner can now own a 100% MAINLAND company.
Companies domiciled in Dubai are exempt from paying tax on profits earned in the United Arab Emirates.
Individuals domiciled in Dubai for tax purposes are exempt from paying income tax.
Capital gains realized in Dubai are not taxed;
Dividends paid by a French company and received in Dubai by a Dubai tax resident are exempt from flat tax or withholding tax.
In terms of taxation, companies in the Emirates are exempt from corporate income tax, as are dividends and royalties.
On the other hand, since 2018 a value-added tax at the rate of 5% may be applicable, however, it is the end consumer who is responsible for paying it.
No declarative or administrative constraints.
Unlike some European Union countries, declaratory procedures in the United Arab Emirates are very straightforward and are handled by Clemenceau Group.
In addition, the new technologies put in place by the government are at the service of companies to make administrative procedures in the United Arab Emirates more fluid.
The costs
Costs and social charges are adapted and totally transparent. This allows you to control your budgets from the company’s inception, right through to license renewal. No indirect costs will be incurred.
Legal certainty.
Finally, legal reforms have also been carried out to transform the country into a multicultural space, with changes in labor law, family law and criminal law, which now authorize certain prohibited practices and an increased level of tolerance, making the country more attractive to many investors and individuals wishing to enjoy life in Dubai.